
Open Design Optimization Platform (ODOP) - Coil spring design app; mechanical springs; compression spring, extension spring, torsion spring

View the Project on GitHub thegrumpys/odop

Release Process:

This entry describes the steps necessary to make a new ODOP "release". Specifically, this is the process to publish the current development version and its documentation to Heroku.

Ideally, any system downtime affecting the production system should be announced in advance via messageOfTheDay.md

For background regarding "Major.Minor.Patch" see: ODOP version numbering

Effective with v4.2, documentation (Help, About, design, procedures, etc. but not messageOfTheDay) is hosted on Heroku. The build process includes a Harp compile to create html files for end-user viewing. Full-text indexing is done at the same time. The html files should be referenced via the CNAME: odop.springdesignsoftware.org/docs and carry the .html suffix as in: Document structure. Still maintained on GitHub Pages, messageOfTheDay can be updated independently of the release process.


A. DEVELOPMENT environment

  1. Verify GitHub Milestone issues are completed. Ask:
    "Have we done everything on our milestone list?"
    "Is there anything else we need to do?"
    "Are we ready for release?"
  2. Make sure your development environment is on branch master.
  3. Check for and deal with security vulnerabilities. See GitHub Dependabot alerts.
    Issue the command:
    npm audit fix
    when positioned in the server directory and again when positioned in the client directory.
  4. If this release has no migrate requirement, initialState impact or environment variable changes, skip forward to Test For Console Output.
    To confirm, compare the current master branch against the previous released commit tag branch and check if any of the client/src/designtypes/.../initialState.js files have changed.
  5. Confirm offsets.js and symbol_table_offsets.js have been updated as part of migrate.js changes and are both updated to be consistent. Do this by copying from View : Offsets and View : SymbolTableOffsets and paste into offsets.js and symbol_table_offsets.js for all design-types that were changed.
  6. For all design types impacted by migrate, confirm that the version numbers set in the initialState.js files are consistent with the version numbers set in the corresponding migrate.js.
  7. If the database does not exist or is brand new and empty, then see Procedures for creating a new JAWSDB to create and format the database tables using the create.sql file. Do this to development, test, staging and/or production databases as appropriate.
    See Heroku Dashboard Resources tab for JAWS DB. The database names are summarized in Procedures for creating a new JAWSDB.
  8. Start server and client under your development environment. If they are already started, log off of Okta and re-log into Okta to ensure the session is valid and not at risk of time-out.
  9. Verify initial_state and migrate match: Repeat the following steps for each design type (Piston-Cylinder, Solid, Spring/Compression, Spring/Extension, and Spring/Torsion) with an impacted initialState or initialSystemControls.
    1. For each design type that has an impacted Initial State
      1. Do a File > Open > Load Initial State. Run Action > Execute > mk[x] script where x is Startups, Startup & Startup_Metric (ignore all the other mk files), and Close to created each [x] file. Do a File > Sorted Export and rename into the [mk_x] JSON file.
      2. Separately do a File > Open > Startup which should migrate it followed by a File : Export and rename into a "Migrated_x" JSON file.
      3. Compare the two JSON files to verify that initial state and migration operate exactly the same. If they don't match then repair them until they do or the changes are as intended.
  10. Create load.sql files: Repeat the following steps or each design type (Piston-Cylinder, Solid, Spring/Compression, Spring/Extension, and Spring/Torsion) with an impacted initialState or initialSystemControls.
    1. Do a File > Open > Load Initial State for each design type that has an impacted Initial State. It is not necessary to Load Initial Metric State, because each mk_ script loads the correct initial state file (US or Metric) when it runs. Do this FOR ALL mk* files: Run Action > Execute > mk[x] script and Close the script to created each [x] file. Do a File > Save into the [x] file.
    2. Using MySqlDump command run the scripts/dump_db_startup_files.sh script to dump all newly created design files into their respective load.sql files. You might need to set a different OKTA Userid inside the WHERE clause for the Admin User who saved this file in the previous step.
    3. Finally, manually edit and add carriage returns before each inserted VALUES section, and delete the 'id' field name and 'id' field value (it should be first in each record),and set the user field to NULL.
    4. Commit these changes. The script to load these changes will be run in a later step.
  11. Either modify the script for the development database and run the configured ./scripts/load_all.sh script or manually run all affected load.sql files to create startup files for each design type in the develoment database.
    This sets the User field to NULL so that these files can be accessed by all development database users. Optionally load the Staging database with these files too.  
  12. If there are environment variable changes, update Server's .env and Client's .env with the following for development (localhost). NOTE: No entry for Server's .env or Client's .env is needed for JS_RUNTIME_TARGET_BUNDLE for development (localhost). Assume NODE_ENV="development" for software development environment, or "test" for test case execution environment.
    • JAWSDB_URL - For server only
    • REACT_APP_NODE_ENV=development|test
  13. Do a pull or push to get latest version on all systems.
  14. Test For Console Output   Bring up Google Chrome and enable View Console / Debugger. Test various input and menu functions and verify no unexpected console.log output. Use regular expression search: "^\s*console." to find non-commented out console.log lines. Most console.log output is acceptable in
    • client/public/dynoLoading.js.
    • client/src/test/performance.test.js
    • client/src/store/middleware/pxUpdateObjectiveValue.js
    • client/src/store/middleware/seek.js
    • client/src/store/middleware/updateObjectiveValue.js
    • client/src/logUsage.js
    • client/src/registerServiceWorker.js
    • scripts/build_index.js
    • scanner.js
    • server.js
  15. Shutdown server and client under your development environment.
  16. In server, run "npm test" and verify test cases executed successfully. Repair errors or update tests to run successfully.
  17. In client, run "npm test" and verify test cases executed successfully. Repair errors or update tests to run successfully.
  18. Update client/src/version.js file to Major.Minor.Patch (for example: 2.3.1). Remove 'dev' suffix. Optionally use 'rc1' or 'rc2'.
  19. Commit with message "Update version.js to Major.Minor.Patch" and push to origin.
  20. Pull to get latest version on all systems.
  21. Restart server then client under your development environment.
  22. Bring up on Windows under Microsoft Chromium Edge and verify Help : About Software Version is as expected (Major.Minor.Patch). Bring up on Windows and Mac OS X under Google Chrome and verify Help : About Software Version is as expected.


B. DO first for STAGING and then do again for PRODUCTION environments

  1. If not logged into Heroku, go to the Heroku Website and log in.
  2. Use the Heroku console settings tab to check the currently configured version of the Heroku stack. Upgrade the Heroku stack for the staging or production system as appropriate. The change will not be final until after the next deployment.
  3. If operating on the production system (ignore for staging), check for active users on the production system; put the production system in maintenance mode. Maintenance mode may be enabled in the Heroku console settings tab or from the command line with:
    heroku maintenance:on -a odop
  4. If no changes to dynamic runtime configuration variables skip forward to Database Stuff.  
  5. For handling dynamic runtime configuration variables in Heroku only: From Dashboard, expand "odop" for production or "odop-staging" for the staging system. Go to settings/Config Vars. Click "Reveal Config Vars". Update Heroku Configuration Variables JS_RUNTIME_TARGET_BUNDLE to "/app/client/build/static/js/*.js" for staging, or production.  
  6. Update Heroku Configuration Variables with the following for staging (odop-staging), or production (odop).
    • NODE_ENV="staging" -- only for staging, assume default "production" for production
    • REACT_APP_NODE_ENV=production|staging -- only for staging, assume default "production" for production
  7. Update Heroku Buildpack for staging (odop-staging), or production (odop). Buildpack configuration is on Heroku Settings tab.  
  8. Database Stuff   If this release has no database impact, skip forward to Publish to Heroku.
  9. If the database does not exist or is brand new and empty, then see Procedures for creating a new JAWSDB to create and format the database tables using the create.sql file. Do this for staging and/or production databases as appropriate.
    See the above link for the easier-to-read table of database names.
  10. Optionally back up staging database. Back up the production database. For background on backup provided by JAWSDB see: Heroku docs
  11. Check the size of the production database as compared to capacity limits (5Mb for JAWSDB free plan). Use the ./scripts/db_size.sh script.
    For details, see the first FAQ question at: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/jawsdb#faq
    If appropriate, dump to off-line storage and re-initialize the log_Usage table.  
  12. If the database already exists but no entries exist or must be recreated, then either modify the script for the particular database and run the configured ./scripts/load_all.sh script or manually run all affected load.sql files to create startup files for each design type in the affected database (for example, do this for Staging and Production).
  13. Delete any old, invalid or development-only designs if necessary.
  14. Optionally, dump and archive, then empty the usage_log table.  
  15. Publish to Heroku   If production, update messageOfTheDay.md to announce availability of the new version. To do this do the following: Create issue branch, update MOTD file, check-in change to branch and iterate if necessary, then when all is ready merge branch into master. Note: Merging will publish the MOTD externally/publically.
  16. Do a pull as required to get latest version on all systems.
  17. If not logged into Heroku, login in using the command line "heroku login" which in turn brings up the Heroku website login page in your browser.
  18. Shutdown server and client under your development environment.  
  19. In your git/odop directory push to Heroku using the command line:
    git push heroku-staging master
    git push heroku master
    Verify no error messages during build on heroku.
    Note 1: This step may fail if the previous release contains patches that are not included in the new release. You can either move those patches into the current release or issue the git push command with a --force option.
    Note 2: to push a non-master branch, confirm that is the current branch with:
    git status
    git push heroku[-staging] +HEAD:master
  20. If maintenance mode was previously enabled, disable maintenance mode:
    heroku maintenance:off -a odop
  21. Confirm that the http://odop-staging.springdesignsoftware.org or http://odop.springdesignsoftware.org website is operational and that version Major.Minor.Patch displays.
  22. Confirm that the https://odop.springdesignsoftware.org/docs website is operational and that documentation displays.



  1. Do a pull as required to get latest version on all systems.
  2. Create Major.Minor.Patch tag (for example, 3.2.1). Commit "Release Major.Minor.Patch" and push to origin.
  3. In Eclipse do a pull, Team > Show in History and verify tag is Major.Minor.Patch (for example, 2.3.1).
  4. Create a "master-Major.Minor.Patch" branch, commit and push to origin.
  5. Back in the master update, update client/src/version.js file to next Major.Minor.Patch followed by suffix 'dev' (for example: 2.4dev).
  6. Commit with message "Update version.js to Major.Minor.Patchdev" and push to origin.
  7. In GitHub, mark Milestone Major.Minor.Patch closed.



  1. Discuss the next release, what work needs to be done and who does it. In other words, set the direction for the upcoming milestone.