
Open Design Optimization Platform (ODOP) - Coil spring design app; mechanical springs; compression spring, extension spring, torsion spring

View the Project on GitHub thegrumpys/odop

URL syntax

Starting with ODOP release 3.8 it is possible to add query parameters to the URL that launches ODOP in order to control startup behavior. This page provides detail on those parameters.

The parameter passing capability was originally developed in GitHub issue / branch 388. The "prompt" parameter was developed in issue / branch 477.
Additional information is available on those pages.

A query parameterized URL to invoke ODOP is assembled from the following components:

A "base" component specifies the host system. The development environment (localhost) requires multiple components (Node.js, Eclipse, source code) to be installed and properly configured on the local computer.

Target System Base URL
Development environment http://localhost:3000/
Staging system https://odop-staging.springdesignsoftware.org/
Production system https://odop.springdesignsoftware.org/

Question mark symbol
"?" is used to indicate that query parameters follow.

Ampersand symbol
"&" is used to concatenate another parameter. An ampersand following the question mark is optional.

The "type" component specifies the desired design type. If a query parameter is not present, the environment variable REACT_APP_DESIGN_TYPE will supply the default value. For more detail on this mechanism, see: config.js, .env, release.md and the Heroku environment variables. As of this writing, REACT_APP_DESIGN_TYPE is set for compression spring design type. Punctuation such as spaces and slashes may need to be escaped by their hex equivalent.

Design Type parameter
Compression spring type=Spring%2FCompression
Extension spring type=Spring%2FExtension
Torsion spring type=Spring%2FTorsion
Rectangular solid type=Solid
Piston Cylinder type=Piston-Cylinder

The "name" component specifies the desired design name. If a query parameter is not present, the environment variable REACT_APP_DESIGN_NAME will supply the default value. For more detail on this mechanism, see: config.js, .env, release.md and the Heroku environment variables. As of this writing, REACT_APP_DESIGN_NAME is set for "Startup". Units (US: inches, pounds; metric: mm, newtons) are determined by the design. Specifically, the name "Startup_Metric" will utilize metric units.

Design Name parameter
Startup name=Startup
Startup_Metric name=Startup_Metric

The "view" component specifies the desired view. Both user input views and reports are available.

View parameter
Advanced view=Advanced
Basic {not yet implemented}
Calculator view=Calculator
Report 1 view=Report1
Report 2 view=Report2
Report 3 view=Report3

Execute Script
Any execute script that is available for the selected design type may be invoked as ODOP starts. Scripts that are in the execute.js !== "production" conditional are not visible in the production Action : Execute menu but are still available for execution via query parameter.

View execute script name
Advanced view welcome; all spring design types execute=welcomeAdv
Calculator view welcome; all spring design types execute=welcomeCalc

The "Prompt" parameter will cause ODOP to start with the File : Open modal dialog visible. See the example below.


URL type name execute View
https://odop-staging.springdesignsoftware.org/?view=Advanced&execute=welcomeAdv REACT_APP_DESIGN_TYPE = Compression REACT_APP_DESIGN_NAME = StartUp welcomeAdv Advanced
https://odop-staging.springdesignsoftware.org/?view=Calculator&execute=welcomeCalc REACT_APP_DESIGN_TYPE = Compression REACT_APP_DESIGN_NAME = StartUp welcomeCalc Calculator
https://odop-staging.springdesignsoftware.org/?view=Calculator&execute=demo REACT_APP_DESIGN_TYPE = Compression REACT_APP_DESIGN_NAME = StartUp demo Calculator
https://odop-staging.springdesignsoftware.org/?name=Startup&view=Calculator&execute=demo REACT_APP_DESIGN_TYPE = Compression Startup demo Calculator
https://odop-staging.springdesignsoftware.org/?type=Spring%2FCompression&view=Calculator&execute=demo Spring/Compression REACT_APP_DESIGN_NAME = StartUp demo Calculator
https://odop-staging.springdesignsoftware.org/?type=Spring%2FCompression&name=Startup&view=Calculator&execute=demo Spring/Compression Startup demo Calculator
https://odop-staging.springdesignsoftware.org/?type=Spring%2FExtension&view=Calculator&execute=demo6 Spring/Extension REACT_APP_DESIGN_NAME = StartUp demo6 Calculator
https://odop-staging.springdesignsoftware.org/?type=Spring%2FExtension&name=Startup&view=Calculator&execute=demo6 Spring/Extension Startup demo6 Calculator
https://odop-staging.springdesignsoftware.org/?type=Spring%2FTorsion&view=Calculator&execute=demo14 Spring/Torsion REACT_APP_DESIGN_NAME = StartUp demo14 Calculator
https://odop-staging.springdesignsoftware.org/?type=Spring%2FTorsion&name=Startup&view=Calculator&execute=demo14 Spring/Torsion Startup demo14 Calculator
https://odop-staging.springdesignsoftware.org/?prompt REACT_APP_DESIGN_TYPE = Compression REACT_APP_DESIGN_NAME = StartUp {File : Open} Advanced