
Open Design Optimization Platform (ODOP) - Coil spring design app; mechanical springs; compression spring, extension spring, torsion spring

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Ideas for "responsive" page design

Just a few thoughts - points for future discussion.

Perhaps as the screen / window gets smaller, the web page presenting the design problem could progressively display fewer and fewer columns. The left-most column containing the variable names should stay at the left. The remaining space, perhaps only enough for a single column at a time, could scroll horizontally so that the remaining columns can be accessed.

Another alternative could parallel the current use of IOOPT. A preference setting (or View menu setting) could reduce the number of columns displayed. Specifically, columns displaying constraint violations could get dropped.

See ideas for a View menu and related discussion of IOCLASS for Sub-Problems in design article on menu(s). These include the idea of a checkbox for dropping display of "Calculation Inputs" (a.k.a Constants).

If possible with modest effort, it would be nice if the "Name | Value | Units | Fixed | Min | Max" heading would stay on screen when scrolling vertically.